Competence Center Cultural Landscape (CULT)


Today's modern age is causing great changes in cultural landscapes. The use of landscapes through intensification of land use (agriculture, forestry, settlements, energy generation etc.) leads to ever more profound changes in these high-quality cultural landscapes. Characteristics such as historical elements and diversity, which determine value are irretrievably lost.

The Competence Centre Cultural Landscape works on these current social challenges of sustainable development of the cultural landscape in a cooperative network. To this end, we organise specialist events and further training and thus promote the development of professional standards.

Upcoming Events

Survival Ecology - New pathways for European nature conservation? September 05th 2024, 11-13 am (CET) Online session

"From the Mediterranean to the Middle Rhine: Focus on Climate Change - Cultural Heritage in Heat Shock", June 24, 2024: Boppard|Climate Adaptation for Historic Gardens. Final conference of the research project Action Strategies for Climate Adaptation: Experiential Knowledge of the State Garden Administration. June 20-22, 2024: Fürst-Pükler-Park Bad Muskau

viSiOONWALD 2024: On knowledge and action in the climate crisis - a search for solutions at a societal level. 29 April-1 May 2024: Soonwald Forest Adventure Center|Geisenheim Wine Tourism Conference 2024: Mobility and Sustainability, 03.05.2024, Hochschule Geisenheim University, Geisenheim


If you have any questions or if you would like to cooperate please write an email at kult(at)


Geisenheimer for Life: Graduation Ceremony Held at Eberbach Monastery

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Credits: Winfried Schönbach

About 140 graduates from all bachelor’s and master’s programs celebrated their academic achievements in a festive ceremony held in the Laiendormitorium at Eberbach Monastery on February 17, 2023.

The impressive atmosphere of Eberbach Monastery provided the perfect setting for the Geisenheim graduates to receive their certificates. A total of 138 students (62 women) graduated this year (109 with bachelor’s degrees, 29 with master’s degrees). Hochschule Geisenheim University also set up a live stream to allow friends and families to attend the ceremony online. In their ceremonial speeches, University President Prof. Hans Reiner Schultz and Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Robert Lönarz, President of VEG – Geisenheim Alumni Association e. V., emphasized the strong international Geisenheim community and encouraged all graduates to join the network. The speeches were followed by some personal remarks from the graduates who reviewed their time at Hochschule Geisenheim University and shared some personal anecdotes.

Congratulations to all graduates and all the best for your future careers in the job market, academia or research!

The Peter Romeis Foundation honored the best graduate of B.Sc. Food Safety.

The Peter Romeis Foundation honored the best graduate of the B.Sc. Food Safety program. In his bachelor’s thesis, Nicolas Fey studied the allergic potential of hazelnuts in a chocolate bar. He received a book prize and an invitation to visit the Institut Romeis Bad Kissingen GmbH from the foundation, whose purpose is to promote education, training, science and research in brewing, beverage and food technology.


Preliminary number of graduates as of February 16, 2023. Please check against delivery. Since some students will still graduate by the end of the semester (March 31, 2023), please contact Vizepraesident-Lehre(at) for the final numbers.


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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach
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Credits: Winfried Schönbach

CULT Download Area

In the CULT Download Area you can download files from the CULT-network. These are sorted by date and, if necessary, by the respective event. However, some files are not intended for publication. To download them you need a password. You will receive this by sending us an e-mail.