Hochschule Geisenheim University
65366 Geisenheim
Hochschule Geisenheim University
Info-Point in the Administration Building (Verwaltungsbebäude) / main car park
(entry via Falterstrasse)
Von-Lade-Str. 1
65366 Geisenheim
Tel. + 49 6722 502 0
Fax + 49 6722 502 212
E-Mail Info(at)hs-gm.de
The first contact for questions relating to degree programs, applications and registration is the Admissions Office (Studierendenbüro).
Hochschule Geisenheim University
Studierendenbüro (in Müller-Thurgau-Haus, first floor)
Von-Lade-Str. 1
65366 Geisenheim
Tel. + 49 6722 502-712
E-Mail: info(at)hs-gm.de
Our office hours are as follows:
Monday, Wednesday and Thrusday: 9 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday: 2 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Phone: +49 6722 502 700
E-mail: Studierendenbuero@hs-gm.de
The Admissions Office is located in:
Müller-Thurgau-Haus, Room: 00.08
Von-Lade-Straße 1
65366 Geisenheim