Office of Reseach and Innovation Services

Office of Reseach and Innovation Services

The Office of Reseach and Innovation Services assists Hochschule Geisenheim University's research activities by providing:

  • information on upcoming or ongoing proposals from the most important funding organizations as well as general information regarding research strategy and policy, either via the newsletter or through personal meetings.
  • support and feedback during grant proposal preparation and submission including critical editing of the manuscript and help with formal requirements.
  • support and feedback with project management in larger (collaborative) projects.
  • advice for young entrepreneuers and start-ups: scholarships, start-up competitions, funding, etc.

The Office of Reseach and Innovation Services is HGU's interface to Gründungsfabrik Rheingau – a joint project between Hochschule Geisenheim University and EBS University of Economics and Law to support young entrepreneurs and start-ups. Detailed information is available below.

Please contact us if you have any queries regarding research funding, seek advice in preparing a grant proposal or have questions about start-up support.

If you would like to subscribe to our German-language research newsletter, please send a message to forschungsfoerderung(at)


Christiane Jost
Dr. Christiane Jost
Building 5924
Room 01.01
Phone +49 6722 502 6334
Christiane.Jost(at) Details
Magdolna Prantner
Magdolna Prantner, M.Sc.
Building 5924
Room 01.02
Phone +49 6722 502 6336
Magdolna.Prantner(at) Details
Dirk Klinner
Dirk Klinner
Building 9001
Room N.N.
Dirk.Klinner(at) Details
Verena Dieter
Verena Dieter
Building 5924
Room 01.03
Phone +49 6722 502 6335
Verena.Dieter(at) Details


Academic Graduation Ceremony 2023: Congratulations to 162 Graduates

162 students graduated with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the graduation ceremony marking the end of the summer semester 2023. The ceremony was held on Friday, July 28, in the Laiendormitorium of Kloser Eberbach. Three former doctoral students were also presented with their doctoral degrees. The ceremony was presented by Prof. Dr. Mirjam Hey, Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs, who also honored Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmid, who had retired this spring after more than 30 years with the Department of Grapevine Breeding.

Link to the Picture Gallery

Following the opening address, the graduates shared their personal experiences in a series of entertaining speeches. “Our graduation marks more than just an important chapter in our careers; it is an important milestone in our personal development”, said Caroline Ebert und Annika Uebe, representing the B.Sc. program Internationale Weinwirtschaft. Their fellow student from the English-speaking equivalent International Wine Business (B.Sc.), Ivana Garvanski, added: “Not only have we gained practical knowledge, but we have also made deep friendships that may last a lifetime.” Or, as Julian Mihelic from the B.Sc. Food Chain Management program said: “We will surely miss Geisenheim.“

“You have learned to work with discipline, think critically, solve problems and tackle challenges. You have learned to work as part of a team, to communicate, and to appreciate other perspectives. You have shown strength and perseverance in your education”, emphasized Prof. Hey. “These skills are crucial and you will need them for your future career and in life. Because we will always have to face new challenges in the future - and you have studied the right program for that.”

She also brought some greetings from University President Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz, who, to his own regret, was not able to attend the ceremony for the first time since the university was established: “Wherever you go, I wish you the necessary luck, without which nothing really works, constant curiosity, enthusiasm, and the will to continue learning and adapting to constant change.”

Roger Baumeister, Vice-President of the Geisenheim Alumni Association, congratulated the graduates on behalf of the more than 3,100 members of the association: “We, as Geisenheim graduates, are very proud of our expertise, our degree and our international network. Congratulations on your academic degree, and all the best for your personal and professional future.”

As part of the program, Hochschule Geisenheim University officially bid farewell to Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmid, who had retired at the end of March. In his speech, he remembered how he had received his graduation certificate from the university 41 years ago. In 1990, he started to work at the Department of Grapevine Breeding, which was part of the former Geisenheim Research Institution. In 2012, he became an honorary professor.

Hochschule Geisenheim University honors three junior scientists

During the ceremony, Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke, Vice-President of Research, also presented Cécil Kahn, Elisabeth Obermair and Fabian Mengel with their doctoral certificates. Over the past few months, the three junior scientists have successfully completed their doctoral studies at Hochschule Geisenheim University.

Elisabeth Obermair wrote her dissertation on “Logistics challenges in omni-channel grocery retailing“. Her supervisor was Prof. Dr. Andreas Holzapfel, Professor for Logistics Management  and head of the B.Sc. Food Chain Management program. Her co-supervisor was Prof. Heinrich Kuhn from the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt. In his dissertation entitled „Kosten- und Margenstrukturen von Weingütern“, Fabian Mengel studied the cost and margin structures of wineries. He was supervised by Prof. Dr. Andreas Kurth, Professor for Business Operation. His co-supervisor was Prof. Dr. Detlev Möller from the University of Kassel. Cécil Kahn successfully completed her doctoral studies in a cotutelle procedure between Hochschule Geisenheim University and the University of Bordeaux. Her supervisors were Prof. Dr. Manfred Stoll, Head of the Department of General and Organic Viticulture, and Éric Gomès who represented the French university. Her dissertation is entitled: “Study of the impact of atmospheric CO2 level on grapevine leaf physiology, berry maturation and composition at harvest, using a FACE (Free Air Carbon dioxide Enrichment) system“.

More than 30 junior scientists have completed their doctoral degrees since the university was established in 2013. Currently, 81 doctoral students are pursuing their degrees.


Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Mirjam Hey
VEG Vice-President Roger Baumeister
Julian Mihelic, graduate of the B.Sc. Food Chain Management program
Jule Schlimmer and Frederik Emmerich representing the B.Sc. Horticulture program
Lina van Loon (r.) and Sabrina Köpke from the B.Sc. Landscape Architecture program
Representing M.Sc. Landscape Architecture: Lena Hörsch (r.) and Anna Patscheider
Christian Schneider (l.) and Patrick Brandes from the B.Sc. Beverage Technology program
Lars Eisel (l.) and Mathias Starina from the M.Sc. Beverage Technology program
Caroline Ebert (l.) and Annika Uebe (B.Sc. Internationale Weinwirtschaft)
Ivana Garvanski (B.Sc. International Wine Business)
Elena Simon, B.Sc. Viticulture and Enology
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schmid received a farewell present from Prof. Dr. Mirjam Hey
Cécil Kahn with Vice-President of Research Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke
Fabian Mengel was presented with his doctoral certificate
Elisabeth Obermair and Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke

Gründungsfabrik Rheingau

Research Transfer Videos

BioQuis Project
Research project PlantGrid
Geisenheim Business Analysis
Computer simulation of coffee roasting
Wine tourism
Cultural landscape
Agri-PV / VitiVoltaic


Gründungsfabrik Rheingau

„Gründungsfabrik Rheingau“ –  a strong partnership between Hochschule Geisenheim University and EBS University of Economics and Law

"Gründungsfabrik Rheingau" is a joint project of Hochschule Geisenheim University and EBS University of Economics and Law. Funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the “EXIST” program, the project was officially launched on March 1, 2020. It aims to address and qualify members of both universities who are interested in setting up their own businesses. Through workshops and events ranging from business plan seminars to intensive workshops, young entrepreneurs receive valuable support and advice to put their business ideas into practice. Co-working spaces are also available free of charge in the project’s headquarter “Waas.sche Fabrik” – an extensively renovated old factory building which provides a unique atmosphere for creative ideas and innovative thinking.

Your contacts:

Project Coordinator HGU: Dirk Klinner (Dirk.Klinner(at)

Project Coordinator EBS: Dr. Jan Christoph Munck (christoph(at)

Start-up Advisor: Tatiana Liedtke (tatiana.liedtke(at)

General inquiries: hallo(at)

More information:

Address: Winkeler Str. 100b, 65366 Geisenheim



Knowledge Transfer Management

Thanks to funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, Hochschule Geisenheim University has been able to boost and expand its knowledge transfer and innovation services. The Innovation Service Manager is a central point of contact for internal and external partners and supports researchers during the application process and the implementation of joint projects with industry partners.

Our aim is to coordinate the dialogue between external and in-house partners and make it more transparent to help disseminate knowledge and innovation generated at HGU and showcase the expertise of the scientists involved. At the same time, open questions and research approaches of industry partners can be quickly passed on to the university staff and new cooperations can be established.

In addition, the Innovation Service Manager will establish completely new formats to address and involve the general public. For example, public presentations and lectures on the university's research topics and a stronger exchange with schools in the city or district are being considered.


Example: The Geisenheim Science Pub

Scientists present their research in short and easily understandable presentations to a mixed audience. Experience science in a cozy atmosphere and engage in a lively debate! The event is organized several times during the semester. Find out more at:



German-French Graduate School

Climate Impact Research on Special Crops and their Products

Climate conditions are a major factor in agricultural production as they influence yield and quality for example. These factors are even more important in the cultivation of special crops, which, together with their processing products, represent about 35 % of the agricultural value chain worldwide. Examples include table grapes and wine, but also other fruits and vegetables. Climatic changes play an important role for these crops because they are often cultivated in unique landscapes which face special challenges in terms of sustainable production. Moreover, changing production conditions can also affect subsequent processing steps and product quality. In addition, climate change influences the spread of plant pathogens and their vectors, thus threatening the sustainability of these crops.

Funded by the German-French University (DFH), a German-French Graduate School was established in 2018 to enable junior scientists to complete their doctorate in a co-tutelle procedure between Hochschule Geisenheim University and Université de Bordeaux. The candidates can also spend part of the program in Adelaide, Australia, to conduct research at the Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) and the University of Adelaide

More information is available at:

The Graduate School CDFA-03-18 is funded by the German-French University: