
University News – Studies

Universität Talca (Chile) to Adopt Geisenheim's 'Dual' Concept for Viticulture Program

Prof. Randolf Kauer, Head of Viticulture and Enology Division, visits Chile to present 'Geisenheim dual program model' to representatives from Universität Talca and Campus Colchagua.

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First-ever Geisenheimer Science Pub

Eduard von Lade gets a makeover!

Experience Science at first hand!

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ProWein 2019 – We'll be there!

Come and see us in Hall 14, stand B58.

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UENFW-Delegation meets with EU commissioner Günther Oettinger

On the occasion of the European Football Championship for Vintners (VINOEURO 2018), which took place in Slovenia at the end of May, the “Union of European National Football Teams for Winemakers” (UENFW) was founded. The union is an association under German law, founded by eight European countries...

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Mezcal – A spirit with many faces

An article by Jan Hendrik Giersiepen.

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Wine tourism generates 5.5 billion euros

Hochschule Geisenheim University, together with the German Wine Institute (DWI), has conducted a scientific survey on the economic significance of wine tourism. According to the survey’s results, 50 million people travel to German wine regions per year, creating approximately 86,000 jobs and...

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“Expert know-how in the food sector is a big plus on the job market”

On February 15, 2019, the first cohort of eight students on the “Logistics and Management of Fresh Produce” degree program graduated from Hochschule Geisenheim University. For the upcoming winter semester, the program’s curriculum is due to be extended.  

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“Food safety – more relevant than ever”

The very first cohort of students of the “Food Safety” Bachelor Program have just graduated from Hochschule Geisenheim University.

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Hochschule Geisenheim University Inaugurates its First Forum for Cultural Landscapes

A new series of conferences entitled “Under pressure for change: Cultural landscapes in 2030” started on December 13, 2018.

An article by Professor Eckhard Jedicke.

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