
Lecture held by Dr. Omar Bellido, a guest scientist from Peru

[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Tina Kissinger

Opportunities for collaboration and research projects at the UNSA, Peru

Food technologist Dr. Omar Bellido from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín (UNSA, Arequipa, Peru) is currently cooperating with Prof. Ralf Schweiggert from Hochschule Geisenheim University's Department of Beverage Research in a small bilateral project on plant dyes from various root vegetables that are native to the Andes and have so far been little used. Dr. Bellido held a lecture on July 11, in which he presented current food science research projects and suggestions for possible points of contact, and also introduced the UNSA, one of the oldest (founded 1828) and largest universities in Peru, with more than 27,000 students.