News from the Department of General and Organic Viticulture


Geisenheim Research Forum 2021: More than 40 Posters, 36 Presentations, Groundbreaking Projects and Fertile Ground for New Ideas

[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach

For two days - between September 30 and October 1, 2021 - the Aula of Hochschule Geisenheim University turned into a vibrant hub for innovative ideas. Divided into the University's five research focal points, experts presented their projects and engaged in scientific discussions

The event was organized in a hybrid format so that all interested members of the University had the chance to join. "We have provided fertile ground for new projects to grow. Now it is up to us to continue to invest in them so that they can bear fruit," explains Prof. Dr. Annette Reineke, Vice-President of Research at Hochschule Geisenheim University and initiator of the project.

A poster presentation in the foyer of the Campus Building organized by Geisenheim doctoral students concluded the day: over 40 posters on display provided an exciting insight into current research projects. Around 100 students from the two Geisenheim High Schools St. Ursula and Rheingauschule also used the opportunity to take a closer look into university research.


[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach
[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach
[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach