
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Hochschule Geisenheim University Celebrates Graduation Ceremony at Schloss Johannisberg
Wine Business as well as Viticulture and Enology graduates.

Hochschule Geisenheim University bid farewell to the graduates of the summer semester 2021 during an in-person ceremony held on August 27, 2021 at Schloss Johannisberg. In total, 162 graduates received their certificates.

After the two previous ceremonies had to be held online due to the corona pandemic, University President Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz, his Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs Prof. Dr. Alexander von Birgelen and the President of the ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University Uses Luca App for Contact Tracing

Fast and complete contact tracing in addition to a high vaccination rate will be crucial to organize as many on-site courses and lectures as possible during the winter semester 2021/22. As a comprehensive solution for efficient contact tracing, ...

The Academic Bicycle Challenge - Hochschule Geisenheim University Ranks 4th

For the third time, Hochschule Geisenheim University has competed in the Academic Bicycle Challenge (ABC) and comes in 4th place among all participating universites worldwide! The great ranking emphasizes our commitment to a sustainable mobility and the wellbeing of our students and staff.

This years' ABC was a huge success - not just for our university but also for climate protection!

We would like to thank all those who have participated on behalf of Hochschule Geisenheim University, and congratulations to the three staff members who ...

Christmas Spirit in the Summer?

Sure! From a scientif point of view, summer is an important time for the research project "HessenStern" because the team can finally collect and evaluate the results of the study. As part of the project, a sustainable poinsettia with a long lifespan called "Frieda Freude" has been produced in cooperation with industry partners. Our film provides some insights into the project. Have a look...


Organizing Help for Flood Vicitims

Hochschule Geisenheim University is coordinating professional support for the "green sector" in cooperation with partners and sponsors and the Geisenheim Alumni Association (VEG)

In order to support businesses in the wine, horticulture and landscaping sectors in restoring their livelihoods, many helping hands are needed, also beyond the next weeks. With the campaign "Geisenheim hilft", Geisenheim students, alumni and ...

Asynchronous Teaching on the Green Campus – Interactive Introduction into Complex Subjects

In a digital coffee session organized by the digLL network on July 13, 2021, teaching staff of Hochschule Geisenheim University presented the projects “G-lernt” and “Planty2learn” that use interactive teaching and learning strategies to promote students' skills and knowledge in a wide range of areas.

The project“G-lernt was presented by Benjamin Spehle, Content Developer in the eLearning Department and Research Assistant in the Department of Modeling and System Analysis. He developed different modules about R programming using the authoring tool ...