
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Wolf vs. Livestock Grazing – Nature Conservation vs. Agriculture?
© WikiImages / Pixabay

Researchers from the universities of Geisenheim und Freiburg help foster mutual understanding in an emotionally heated debate

People view the wolf as either a threatening predator or a sign of a healthy natural habitat. While many proponents of nature and animal conservation welcome the spread of wolf populations in Germany, livestock owners who are directly affected by the ...

A culinary first: Hochschule Geisenheim University’s International Office organizes an online cooking event

On Friday December 4, 2020, Hochschule Geisenheim University’s International Office organized with the help of Lebanese food professional Ms. Zeina Abu Jneid the online cooking event for the first semester international students. They prepared a ...

Logistics University Ranking 2020: Hochschule Geisenheim University Among the Top Ten

Food Chain Management students improve their ranking among all institutions of higher education in the "Logistik Masters" competition by seven places compared to the previous year. Among universities of applied science, HGU moves up from 9th place in 2019 to 6th place.


For the second time after 2019, students of the B.Sc. Food Chain Management program participated in Germany's largest knowledge competition for logistics students - the "Logistik Masters" organized by the VerkehrsRundschau trade journal - coming in ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University Awards 2020 DAAD Prize and Initiates "Geisenheim Prize for Social Commitment"
The winner of the 2020 DAAD Prize with Prof. Dr. Bianca May (l.), Head of the B.Sc. Beverage Technology program, and Prof. Dr. Jon Hanf, jury member of the DAAD Prize.

The Beverage Technology student Mari Tadevosyan has been awarded the 1,000 euro prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in recognition of her outstanding commitment to society and our university. For the first time, Hochschule Geisenheim University has also honored two other students with the newly created "Geisenheim Prize for Social Commitment".


Hochschule Geisenheim University presented the 2020 DAAD Prize to Beverage Technology student Mari Tadevosyan. The award ceremony took place on December 9, 2020 – in strict compliance with hygiene regulations – as part of the lecture on "Operational ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University Makes Front Page of Journal of Fungi
Source: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wendland

Prof. Dr. Jürgen Wendland, Head of Department of Microbiology and Biochemistry, provides some insight into the "Sporulation in Ashbya gossypii":

Ashbya is a filamentous fungus belonging to the family of Saccharomycetaceae and therefore closely related to Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The ability to form spores as long-term stages is controlled by a number of evolutionary conserved regulators, ...


The 2nd International OENOBIO Conference, which was conducted online on November 9, 2020, at Hochschule Geisenheim University is funded through the Erasmus+ Program and was friendly supported by OIV (International Organisation of

Vine and Wine). The coordinating institution of the OENOBIO project is the University of Bordeaux, which supported the implementation of this online event.

The topic of the OENOBIO Conference “Organic viticulture facing climate change – New challenges in organic wine production and marketing” was divided in two sessions open to the general public, particularly to companies, wineries and cellars, the ...

Gerd Erbslöh Prize 2020 for Master Thesis on "The Influence of Production Parameters on the Content of Coumarins and Furanocoumarins in Citrus Juices“

Philipp Lotz, graduate of the M.Sc. Beverage Technology program at Hochschule Geisenheim University, received the Gerd Erbslöh Prize worth 750 euros for his outstanding academic work. His findings can help identify counterfeits in the production of citrus juices more reliably in the future.

Lemon juice is a popular target for counterfeits in the food sector. Fraudsters for instance use undeclared blends with lime juice. To identify counterfeits, lime-specific secondary plant compounds – coumarins and furanocoumarins – are usually ...

Deutschlandstipendium Scholarship Awards with Poetry Slam at Hochschule Geisenheim University

The 2020/21 Deutschlandstipendium scholarships were awarded during HGU's first virtual scholarship ceremony in mid-November. Thanks to its many sponsors, Hochschule Geisenheim University is able to award scholarships in all degree programs.

"A scholarship is both a support and an award." With these words of appraisal, Prof. Dr. Alexander von Birgelen, Vice-President of Academic and Student Affairs, welcomed the scholarship holders who gathered online on November 13, 2020 for the first ...