
News Archive (dating back to 2013)


Scientists and winegrowers cooperate to make steep slope viticulture fit for the future

For centuries steep slope vineyards have been a dominant feature of the majority of cultural riverscapes. These unique landscapes and their winegrowers face major challenges within the context of climatic developments, the massive loss of ...

Summer School "Cover Materials for Greenhouses": Call for Students

Greek-German Research and Teaching Network: Productivity, Future and Environmental Compatibility of Protected Cultivation – ZuGAbe – offers a Summer School on Cover Materials for Greenhouses from September 24 - 30, 2018 at the University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece.

In the framework of a collaboration project between Hochschule Geisenheim University (HGU) and the University of Thessaly (UTH) called ZuGAbe, a summer school on Cover Materials for Greenhouses will take place between the 24th and the 30th of ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University signs ‘Family at University’ Charta
[Translate to English:]
© RUB / Marquard

University president Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz: “The compatibility of family and study or career is one of our primary concerns and thus forms an integral part of our university development strategy.”

Hochschule Geisenheim University supports students and staff to help them achieve the best possible balance between their academic or professional careers and the needs of their families. It promotes family-oriented working conditions and helps ...

Visit from the north

Students from Denmark visit our university

From June 4 to 6, 2018, our university was visited by students of the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Copenhagen. The 20 students from Denmark were from the fields of nutritional science, food technology and agricultural science and met ...

50th Anniversary of Geisenheim’s Rheingau Stadium

Exciting football event between the Weisweiler Eleven, the German Wine Eleven and our university team FC Campus

On May 18 2018 the Geisenheim Weingau Stadium hosted a unique university sporting occasion to celebrate its 50th anniversary. University sports coodinator Laura Nelles invited the Weisweiler Elf – the renowned veteran team from Borussia ...

Winegrowers from eight nations establish a European wine and football association (UENFW) based at Hochschule Geisenheim University

Former Federal Minister Dr. Franz Josef Jung voted honorary president and Robert Lönarz first president

The “Union of European national football teams of winemakers e.V.” (UENFW) was launched at the Apače wine estate of Danilo Steyer, president of the Slovenian wine and football association, during the European winegrowers' football championship ...

The Art of Tasting
The Sensory Evaluation Panel (Source: Winfried Schönbach)

The Sensory Evaluation Panel of our university has more sophisticated tasks than just to decide "tastes good or doesn´t taste at all".

Floral, violets, roses or lilacs present only a very small part of possible fragrant attributes that would fit in with the early summer time we have right now and that are characteristic for wine. However, the description could also sound different: ...

GoodBerry Workshop at our University
source: Klaus Eimert

EU-Project on floral bud development in berry fruits

The objectives of the EU’s GoodBerry project include research on variety-environment interactions and their effects on flower formation in strawberries, raspberries and blackcurrants. These studies comprise phenological assessments of the different ...

FACEing Compensation
Typically, 25 kg of biomass bond 43.1 kg of CO2. During the pyrolysis process, gas and biochar are formed, the latter containing roughly half of the bonded CO2. The gas can be used for heat generation, partially for the heating of our greenhouses. 13.35 kg of CO2 are lost to the environment during pyrolysis and heat transfer.

The Small Energy Revolution at our University

Climate change, its consequences and ways of minimizing CO2 emissions have been a focus of science and technology for decades now. One aspect of climate impact research at our university is the operation of the FACE experiment (Free Air Carbon ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University’s new laboratory offers ideal conditions for fruit researchers

The Federal State of Hessen is investing around 1.3 million Euros in this new building

Science Minister Boris Rhein has officially opened Hochschule Geisenheim University’s new crop and field laboratory. In future this is where harvested crops will be brought in, scrutinized and tested before being prepared for storage and packed.  ...