
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Hochschule Geisenheim University and Die Wirtschaftspaten e. V. Sign Cooperation Agreement

It is the aim of this strategic partnership to qualify students, alumni and research scientists of Hochschule Geisenheim University for becoming independent entrepreneurs and to support specific start-up plans.

The cooperation agreement with the association "Die Wirtschaftspaten e. V." (Business Mentors) allows Hochschule Geisenheim University to improve the range of services offered in support of their students and alumni in the future. It is the aim of ...

OIV - Excursion to Paris

Visit to the International Organization of Vine and Wine

Lead by Manuela Ortner, M.A. the "International Wine Business degree program" was attended by the International Organization of Vine and Wine. The current President is Prof. Dr. Monika Christmann, Department of Enology (Geisenheim University)

Red Riesling listed at the German Bundessortenamt (Plant Variety Office)
Red Riesling
Red Riesling

Registration of the variety now in the wine growing regions of Rheinland Pfalz (Rhineland-Palatinate)

The Bundessortenamt (German Plant Variety Office) approved the application of the Institute of Grapevine Breeding at Hochschule Geisenheim University and registered the grapevine variety Red Riesling on January 18, 2018.

The Institute of Grapevine ...

International Talent Evaluate Germany as a Winegrowing Country
Mann und Frau stehend im Weinbergspanorama

How do foreigners who live in Germany and work in the wine business view us?

The students of Geisenheim University (HGU) sought to answer this question in the context of a media project in cooperation with the German Wine Institute (DWI). The emerging IWB experts (International Wine Business) were introduced to HGU alumni, ...

Two-day-trip to the Mosel Wine Region
Gruppenfoto von oben vor der Mosel

An article by Federico Ghione, exchange student from Argentina

On Thursday, June 8th, other international students of the degree program International Wine Business and I began a two-day trip to the Mosel wine region to visit 4 companies involved in the wine business, but with different visions and methods.

The ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University and Université de Bordeaux Establish German-French Graduate School
Logo Universität

Focus of the collaboration will be the consequences of climate change on the agriculture of special crops; wine, fruits and vegetables.

With the establishment of a German-French graduate school “Climate change impact on the sustainability of special crops and their products”, Hochschule Geisenheim University and the Université de Bordeaux, together with their Australian associated ...

“Short excursions” for International Wine Business Students: Reh Kendermann and WIV
Exkursionsgruppe neben Tanks

A report by exchange students from Georgia for WS 2016/2017 and SS 2017

A new subject “Short excursions” has been announced at the University of Geisenheim and we, exchange students from Georgia, got interested. We attended the introduction  lecture by Dr. Sophie Ghvanidze and our attention was very easily taken by what ...

ProWein Business Report assesses the International Wine Markets
Prof. Dr. Simone Loose, Head of the Departement of Business Administration & Market Research at Hochschule Geisenheim University, presenting the report.
Prof. Dr. Simone Loose, Head of the Departement of Business Administration & Market Research at Hochschule Geisenheim University, presenting the report. © Messe Düsseldorf / ctillmann

Hochschule Geisenheim University constitutes a unique barometer of opinions for the sector

In cooperation with Geisenheim University ProWein polled almost 1,500 wine sector experts from 46 countries on international wine markets, marketing trends and the development of wine sales channels. Those polled included wine producers (large and ...

“All they want is to be able to communicate”
Teilnehmer des Kurses

Geisenheim University is supporting refugees inthe Rheingau, who are capable of studying at a university level, with their linguistic and social integration

The region of the Rheingau, Germany, German culture, and the weather are some of the topics that Paula Faber and Max Tafel discuss with the refugees, who are participating in the support programs Integra and Welcome at Geisenheim UniversityThe ...

Geisenheim Know-How for International Success
Nikoloz Batiashvili and Grigol Bekoshvili at the University for Agricultural Science in Tiflis.
Nikoloz Batiashvili and Grigol Bekoshvili at the University for Agricultural Science in Tiflis.

After finishing their studies at Hochschule Geisenheim University, these two Georgians want to start their own wine business in their home country

housands of kilometres away from their home, two young men from Georgia are following their passion for wine by studying at Hochschule Geisenheim University, which, they believe to be one of the best schools for International Wine Business and ...