
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Two New Geisenheim Reports Available
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Volume 95 by Yvette Wohlfahrt and volume 96 by Linda Bitsch

Two new Geisenheim Reports have been published recently:


Volume 95 - Yvette Wohlfahrt

Effects of elevated CO2 on physiology, yield and fruit composition of Vitis vinifera L. cvs. Riesling and Cabernet Sauvignon

ISBN 13 978-3-934742-87-1

€ 23.00


V ...

Inaugural Lecture Held by Prof. Moritz Wagner
Credit: Winfried Schönbach

In his inaugural lecture held on December 7, 2022 on campus Geisenheim, Prof. Wagner introduced his current and future priorities in teaching and research.

Professor Wagner took up the newly created Professorship for Sustainable Use of Resources and Life Cycle Analyses for Special Crops in fall 2021 and inspired his audience with his inaugural lecture on “Grüner Wein – Auf dem Weg zur ganzheitlichen ...

New Opportunities for the Development of Steep Slopes in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley
Please click on the picture to start the video. Picture credits: Dr. Elena Siebrecht

The unique terraced landscape along the Upper Middle Rhine Valley used to be widely known for its abundance of vineyards and orchards, but the scene has changed over the last decades which is clearly reflected by the many fallow areas along the Rhine and its side valleys. How can we preserve the unique historic landscape and make it fit for the future? As part of the project “Landschaftsmosaik Welterbe Oberes Mittelrheintal”, the KULT Center of Excellence at Hochschule Geisenheim University addresses these questions and explores strategies for a sustainable development of the region in cooperation with the local community. In addition to analyzing which areas require action, the aim is to identify sample solutions and put them into practice.


Since April 2022, the two landscapers Elena Simon and Jenny Eckes have been working on the implementation. As part of their project, they focus on three model regions: Bacharach, Spay and Lorch. In close cooperation with local stakeholders and land ...

Geisenheim Scientists receive Certificate of Participation as Visiting Professors in Ukraine
Dr. Martin Reiss (on the right) and Dr. Jörn Schultheiß (on the left) took part in the "Visiting Professors' Program in Lviv and received the Certificate of Participation.

Countless cultural property has been damaged or destroyed during the war in Ukraine. Before the Russian invasion, there were about 400 museum, 3,000 cultural sites and seven world heritage sites in Ukraine, e.g. the historic town center of Lviv close to the Polytechnic National University.

As of October 24, UNESCO has verified damage to 207 cultural sites in Ukraine (88 religious sites, 15 museums, 76 buildings of historic and/or artistic interest, 18 monuments, 10 libraries)2. The war is a threat to the country’s cultural heritage ...

Geisenheim Prize for Voluntary Commitment awarded to Student Initiatives
Sonja Thielemann (l.) with students who were presented with the award on behalf of all award winners.

For the first time, this year’s “Geisenheim Prize for Voluntary Commitment“ was not awarded to individuals but to various student initiatives that support those affected by the war in Ukraine and refugees in Germany. Many students, and our Ukrainian ...

"An Integral Part of Society": Hochschule Geisenheim University celebrates 150 Years of Teaching and Research
Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz © David Hecker

In an academic ceremony on October 19, Hochschule Geisenheim University celebrated the 150th anniversary of the institution. Boris Rhein, Minister President of the State of Hesse, Ayse Asar, State Secretary of the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and the Arts, and other political leaders and representatives joined the event to mark 150 years of teaching and research in Geisenheim. In their speeches, members of the university management addressed current and future challenges of the green sector and the food and beverage industry.

The Königliche Lehranstalt für Obst- und Weinbau (Royal Prussian Institute for Pomology and Viticulture) was established on October 19, 1872, and started off rather small with just six students. 150 years later, the institute celebrated this ...

2022 DAAD Award presented to Viticulture Student Andreas Grell Gudiksen

The 2022 DAAD Award worth EUR 1,000 has been awarded to our M.Sc. Viticulture, Enology and Wine Business student Andreas Grell Gudiksen. Prof. Dr. Alexander von Birgelen, Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs presented the award as part of the ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University finishes 4th in Academic Bicycle Challenge 2022
© Robert Lönarz

At the end of summer, Hochschule Geisenheim University took part in the Academic Bicycle Challenge for the third time. Even though rain in the second half of September washed away the chances of a better ranking, our sporty students and staff ...

Geisenheim Scientist Takes Part in International Research Campaign 2022 in Iceland
Project team (from right to left): Ragnhildur Þ. Magnúsdóttir, Iris Hansen, Gisli Mar Gislason, Peter Chifflard, Martin Reiss. Picture taken by: Peter Chifflard

Environmental impacts of climate-related ice melt in Arctic glacier streams


Global glacier mass loss has accelerated in the previous years. Between 2000 and 2019, glaciers lost a mass of 267 ± 16 gigatons a year, which is equivalent to 21 ± 3 % of the recorded global sea level rise.

The volume of glaciers in Iceland (in 2019) corresponds to about 9 mm of the potential global sea level rise. With climate-related glacier melt, water temperature is set to increase and the hydrochemical balance will change. Scientists expect that ...

Teaching Forum 2022: One Day Dedicated to Excellent Teaching at Hochschule Geisenheim University
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First Teaching Forum held at Hochschule Geisenheim University on September 23, 2022 reflected on teaching strategies and concepts.

The forum was kicked off by an online presentation on “flipped or inverted classrooms” given by Prof. Dr. Spannagel. Teachers and staff members had the chance to learn more about this innovative teaching strategy and put new inspirations into ...