
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Graduation Ceremony at Hochschule Geisenheim: "You are now ambassadors for our proud community"

A joyous celebration in the historic park on Friday, July 26, 2024: In the past six months, 132 young graduates completed their studies at the renowned university in the Rheingau.

During the graduation ceremony, Hochschule Geisenheim University (HGU) presented graduates of its bachelor's and master's degree programs with their graduation certificates. The President of Hochschule Geisenheim University, Professor Hans Reiner ...

Introducing the Viticultural Agrivoltaic Systems at Hochschule Geisenheim
VitiCULT protects young vines from excessive sun and aridity, and should improve growth success in the face of climate change; Photo: Philipp Stieffenhofer

On July 9, 2024, Hochschule Geisenheim University presented two innovative types of agrivoltaic systems to interested members of the public, including many winegrowers. These systems are being tested as part of viticulture research at the university and offer promising solutions for climate change and improved sustainability in viticulture.

VitiVoltaic, a stationary, raised agrivoltaic system with movable, semi-transparent modules, has been undergoing testing since March 2023. Now, as of June 2024, there is also a new addition to the agrivoltaic family: VitiCULT, a prototype mobile ...

Hochschule Geisenheim Appoints Dr. Johanna Döring as the World’s Only Professor of Organic Viticulture
As of May 1, 2024, Geisenheim's Professor Johanna Döring holds the only Professorship for Organic Viticulture worldwide. Photo: Hochschule Geisenheim/Philipp Stieffenhofer

Hochschule Geisenheim University is pleased to announce that Dr. Johanna Döring has been appointed Professor of Organic Viticulture. This one-of-a-kind professorship underlines the university’s leading role in the research and teaching of organic viticulture.

"I am delighted to now hold the only Professorship for Organic Viticulture in the world and to be able to help shape the coming transformation of the agricultural and food industry in the area of organic viticulture,” says Professor Johanna Döring. ...

Open Day at Hochschule Geisenheim Met with Great Interest
Around 250 prospective students visited the open day. Photo: Woody T. Herner

The range of degree programs offered at Hochschule Geisenheim University is truly something special: From Viticulture and Enology to Wine Business and Beverage Technology, to Horticulture, Food Safety, Food Chain Management, and Landscape Architecture, every subject here centers a practical and future-orientated approach. At the most recent open day, the various departments presented the university's eight bachelor's degree programs and ten master's degree programs. The event attracted a lot of interest, with around 250 prospective students from all over Germany coming to visit Geisenheim.

During the event, visitors were able to take part in taster lectures, chat to current students, teaching staff, alumni, and academic advisors, take tours of the buildings, greenhouses, and research areas across the 8,000 m2 campus, and generally gain ...

Hochschule Geisenheim Puts Two New Buildings into Operation

Construction work on the new buildings on Hochschule Geisenheim University's campus are progressing well. Within the last few weeks, the university has put two new buildings into operation: The Food Safety Building and the Food Logistics and Sustainability Building. Together, these two buildings provide approximately 2,500 square meters of space for state-of-the-art learning.

Both buildings have three floors and are made up of lecture halls with modern digital equipment, seminar rooms, and fully-equipped laboratories, as well as technical spaces and offices dedicated to teaching and teaching-related research. All areas in ...

International 'Black2GoGreen' Symposium at Hochschule Geisenheim University: Substrates with Biochar for Climate-Resilient Cities
Photo: Winfried Schönbach/Hochschule Geisenheim

The first international symposium for the 'Black2GoGreen' research project took place at Hochschule Geisenheim University from March 26–27. Around 150 participants from eight different countries exchanged ideas on the topic of biochar structure substrates in various seminars and workshops. These methods are intended to help better equip cities to handle the challenges of climate change.

Scorching heat in town squares, stuffy attic apartments, flooding on the streets – climate change is now an undeniable presence in our towns and cities. Large, shady trees can help to mitigate the impact of rising temperatures, but what is the best ...

Geisenheim Technology Expert Dr. Paraforos Receives the LOEWE Transfer Professorship
Professor Dimitrios S. Paraforos with a drone. Photo: Hessen Schafft Wissen

The development of the digital vineyard will receive a grant of 1 million euros.

Professor Dr. Dimitrios S. Paraforos has received the transfer professorship of the State of Hesse for Agricultural Engineering in Special Crop Cultivation at Hochschule Geisenheim University. The production of specialty agricultural crops such as ...

DOCTORAL OFFICE: Announcement Oral Defense Leonie DRIES

Ms Leonie Dries will defend her doctoral thesis with the title:

“Microbial structure and diversity in the rhizosphere of grape vines (Vitis vinifera L.)"

on          Thursday, December 21, 2023

in            Gerd Erbsloeh Lecture hall (HS 30) ...

Rudolf Hermanns Stiftung awards three prizes to wine and horticultural scientists
[Translate to English:] v.l.n.r. Prof. Dr. Otmar Löhnertz, Dr. Ofere Emeriewen, Dr. Janne Lempe, Dr. Andreas Peil, Heinz Georg Muckermann, Prof. Dr. Klaus Schaller © Hochschule Geisenheim / Winfried Schönbach

The Rudolf Hermann Foundation, based at Hochschule Geisenheim University, honored researchers in the field of viticulture and horticulture in mid-November. A €6,000 prize went to a working group at the Institute for Fruit Breeding Research at the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) in Dresden-Pillnitz, while Olivier Geffroy and Dr. Yvette Wohlfahrt from Geisenheim received €2,000 in prize money.

The working group on pome fruit breeding (AG Kernobstzüchtung), headed by Dr. Andreas Peil, received the award in recognition of its work on apples, which spans more than twenty years and includes the development of marker-assisted selection and ...