
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Geisenheim’s Wine Production: a student vineyard dream

A winery run by students, for students. Their own brand and concept in which students are responsible for the success of their own product. This is the dream behind Geisenheim’s Wine Production. Since last year, students studying International Wine ...

“In summer, all it does is rain”
Fluechtlinge im Unterrichtsraum

The Language Centre of Hochschule Geisenheim University is starting a two-week intensive German course for refugees.

by Medien-Referentin Studium, translation by Sophie Alice Schmitt

What does Germany have that Syria does not ? “Here, the food is different, there are a lot of vegetables that I had never seen before”, says 16-year old Ahmed Al Shawakh. “It’s cold”, ...

Prizes awarded for research on canopy management and UV-C irradiation of vines
Preisträgerinnen mit Laudatoren und Stiftern

Rheingauer Volksbank rewards outstanding students from Hochschule Geisenheim University with €1000 each

Climate change doesn’t stop at the vineyards: scarcely predictable weather conditions impede the fight against vine diseases and rising temperatures mean that grapes are producing more sugar, which results inwines with a higher alcohol content.  Two ...

Plant research benefits society as a whole

Professors of Hochschule Geisenheim University present their work

by Press Officer,Degree Courses


They develop botanical fine particle filters for cities and by restoring ecosystems, they ensure that humans will continue to benefit from the services nature provides:  day in, day out, the scientists at Hochschule ...