
Information by the Vice-President Academic and Student Affairs regarding Summer Semester 2021

Dear students,

I remember very well how I told you one year ago that we had to cancel face-to-face courses and switch to online formats and virtual classrooms instead. After one year of pandemic-related restrictions we have learned a lot about online teaching and the possibilities these new formats include. With BigBlueButton we are able to provide a well-established web conferencing system. Additionally, we are offering podcasts with short teaching sessions, streamed courses and many more digital solutions. Although a lot has changed compared to pre-corona times, we have organized the summer semester 2021 in such a way that you will not suffer any disadvantages in your studies as far as possible.

What to expect in the summer semester 2021?

The summer semester will be a hybrid semester with many digital teaching formats, just like the last two semesters. Courses will only be carried out in a face-to-face setting if physical attendance is necessary for achieving the learning objectives. These few courses will be backed by our well-established hygiene concept.

  • Digital teaching whenever possible.
  • As soon as the situation permits, we will start offering face-to-face courses for first and final semesters, lab courses and practical exercises.
  • The regulation concerning a so-called free examination attempt (Freischussregelung) for exams that cannot be repeated continues to apply.
  • The student service organization (Studierendenwerk) provides advice on study financing and financial problems.

Where can you get more information?

For any questions, please contact your lecturers or the Head of the Degree Program, the Examination Committees or the Examinations Office by phone or e-mail. In addition, we also offer the following support services:

Vocational Semesters (BPS) create new challenges for all of us. Please contact your lecturers if you need assistance or if your BPS must be postponed or split. We know that supervising companies may offer internships or vocational semesters with restrictions only. Please stay in touch with us to find individual solutions. The same applies to final theses. Please contact your supervisor if you cannot work on your prepared topic and wish to choose a different one due to the current situation. The Examination Committees will assess your situation upon request and suggest a suitable solution.

The summer semester 2021 is underway. It is organized differently than the previous ones. We focus on providing great teaching content with online formats. Please make use of our digital solutions and stay healthy.

Best regards and welcome to the summer semester 2021

Prof. Dr. Alexander von Birgelen
Vizepräsident Lehre