
Important infomation on face-to-face teaching by HGU's vice-president of academic & student affairs

Dear students, dear lecturers,

In my emails of December 14, 2020 and January 7, 2021, I informed you of our temporary decision to forego face-to-face classes as a measure to limit contact during the Corona pandemic. We made this decision as a precautionary measure, although as a university we were still allowed to hold face-to-face courses under certain conditions as part of the hybrid semester. The regulations regarding this hybrid semester, which provides for a mix of online teaching and on-site face-to-face teaching, continue to apply to universities in Hesse.

The state of Hesse has extended the existing Corona regulations until the end of January. HGU's crisis team met today, Friday, January 8, 2021, and has determined the following for face-to-face teaching. These regulations are effective immediately and will remain in effect until at least January 31, 2021. Protecting all members of Hochschule Geisenheim University is the top priority in our decision-making.

  • Due to the very dynamic pandemic situation, there will be NO face-to-face events (and no examinations) in the period up to least January 31, 2021.
  • The Examinations Office will let you know in due course about examinations in WS 2020/21.

Best regards and stay healthy

Prof. Dr. Alexander von Birgelen
Vice-President Academic & Student Affairs