
The Charity Wine Project – „World Wine Tour 2010“

Mann und Frau bei der Präsentation

Der Beitrag vom Besuch im Winter ist jetzt online:

Weingut Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim: Started in 1872, this research instute / university / working winery is what the center around which the Rheingau’s innovation occurs, and where most family’s send the next generation to learn winemaking science and continue family wineries. Credited with advances and innovation in German winemaking, the Müller-Thurgau varietal which was mentioned above as being a part of many regional vineyards was invented here in 1882. The institute also boasts one of the largest yeast libraries in the world. As no small feat, Weingut Forschungsanstalt Geisenheim along with all of the above also creates many award winning wines, and we are very happy to feature some of these in our auction!  One interesting side note to mention also is that for those readers following our Australia blogs, Prue Henschke from the Henschke winery in the Barossa Valley came here to study winemaking! The institute has a great student community with a very welcoming atmosphere, and we were honored to present to the students and professors our World Wine Tour project!

Upon presenting our project and our Hong Kong wine auction to benefit charity, several students from the university came to us eagerly, and wanted their family-run wine estates to participate in the charity project as well. We were very honored and touched, and will have our auction feature very unique and prized wines from two special wineries, from the Palatinate: Espenhof and Margarethenhof.


Kategorien: Presse und Kommunikation, Kommunikation und Hochschulbeziehungen, Nachrichten