
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

ProWein 2019 – We'll be there!

Come and see us in Hall 14, stand B58.

The clock is ticking: on Sunday the international wine community will gather once again in Dusseldorf for the industry's most important global trade fair. Between March 17 to 19, more than 6,800 exhibitors from over 60 countries will be presenting an ...

Let's go to Rome!
[Translate to English:] Der Weinbau und der Wein sind wichtige Kulturgüter in der Geschichte der Menschheit - Fußball und Wein verbinden internationale Freundschaften.

WEINELF, the German national team for vintners, is playing against the national soccer team of the Vatican.

The headquarters of the German national soccer team for vintners, WEINELF, is based at Hochschule Geisenheim University and is currently buzzing with excitement. The "Selezione di calcio della Città del Vaticano", the national soccer team of the ...

UENFW-Delegation meets with EU commissioner Günther Oettinger
[Translate to English:] UENFW-Präsident Robert Lönarz, UENFW-Ehrenpräsident Dr. Franz Josef Jung, Bundesminister a.D., EU Kommissar Günther Oettinger, UENFW-Generalsekretärin Erica Fischbach

On the occasion of the European Football Championship for Vintners (VINOEURO 2018), which took place in Slovenia at the end of May, the “Union of European National Football Teams for Winemakers” (UENFW) was founded. The union is an association under German law, founded by eight European countries that wish to promote wine, football and education as mutual European cultural products. The European association’s head office is at Hochschule Geisenheim University.

On February 27, 2019, a delegation of the UENFW met with EU commissioner Günther Oettinger at the Berlaymont-building, the European commission’s headquarters in Brussels.

The meeting was chaired by EU commissioner Günther Oettinger (Budget & Human ...

Fire as a tool for nature conservation
[Translate to English:] Kontrolliertes Brennen auf einer verbrachten Heide (Bildquelle: Ilona Leyer)

Hochschule Geisenheim University is examining the effects of controlled habitat burning on the regeneration of endangered plant species.

Burning is certainly not one of the first measures that comes to mind when it comes to re-naturing habitats. However, when used in suitable areas and at the right time, it can be a method of restoring species-rich open soil habitats.  

Because they ...

Mezcal – A spirit with many faces
[Translate to English:] Jan Hendrik Giersiepen bei der Agavenernte, Bildquellen: Porfirio Gallegos Casillas und Jan Hendrik Giersiepen

An article by Jan Hendrik Giersiepen.


In summer 2016, I applied for an internship in a spirits company in Mexico. My wife is Mexican and I wanted to get to know a different side of her country, so, instead of just going there for holidays, we wanted to dive into everyday life. The ...

Wine tourism generates 5.5 billion euros
[Translate to English:] Rüdesheimer Berg (Bildquelle: Winfried Schönbach)

Hochschule Geisenheim University, together with the German Wine Institute (DWI), has conducted a scientific survey on the economic significance of wine tourism. According to the survey’s results, 50 million people travel to German wine regions per year, creating approximately 86,000 jobs and contributing 5.5 billion euros to the economy.

Hochschule Geisenheim University, together with the German Wine Institute (DWI), has conducted a scientific survey on the economic significance of wine tourism. According to the survey’s results, 50 million people travel to German wine regions per ...

“Expert know-how in the food sector is a big plus on the job market”
[Translate to English:] Die ersten Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Studiengangs Logistik und Management Frischprodukte (B.Sc.).

On February 15, 2019, the first cohort of eight students on the “Logistics and Management of Fresh Produce” degree program graduated from Hochschule Geisenheim University. For the upcoming winter semester, the program’s curriculum is due to be extended.  

For the past three years, the degree program has enabled students to gain the knowledge required to become experts in the food sector, offering a unique combination of production, logistics and economics. Now, the university’s management team has ...

“Food safety – more relevant than ever”
[Translate to English:] Lea Unvericht und Nils Dächert mit Dr. Eva Spindler-Raffel (l.) und Prof. Dr. Simone Loos-Theisen, Studiengangsleiterin Lebensmittelsicherheit (r.).

The very first cohort of students of the “Food Safety” Bachelor Program have just graduated from Hochschule Geisenheim University.


Three years ago, Hochschule Geisenheim University designed the Food Safety B.Sc. Program to educate future professionals. Graduates of the program acquire the qualifications required to work in the food sector alongside food chemists, veterinarians ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University Inaugurates its First Forum for Cultural Landscapes

A new series of conferences entitled “Under pressure for change: Cultural landscapes in 2030” started on December 13, 2018.

An article by Professor Eckhard Jedicke.


On the occasion of his retirement, Professor Klaus Werk initiated a series of conferences as a final contribution to his colleagues and to the Kulturlandschaft (cultural landscapes) center of excellence. The series also represented a contribution ...