
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

Hochschule Geisenheim University Celebrates its Graduates digitally – with Wine and Chocolate

161 students completed their studies at Hochschule Geisenheim University in the winter semester 2020/21. With the Vice-President of Academic & Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Alexander von Birgelen, they celebrated their graduation digitally on March 26, 2021. A joint wine tasting "Wine meets Chocolate" rounded off the ceremony.


Hochschule Geisenheim University and VEG – Geisenheim Alumni Association e. V celebrated a very special graduation on Friday, March 26, 2021. Although the graduates of the winter semester 2020/21 could not celebrate their academic achievements in ...

Panic Buying and Herd Mentality
Source: Filmagentur Rheingau

The logic behind stockpiling non-perishable goods in the first lockdown

When the World Health Organization (WHO) declared Covid-19 a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, consumer's behavior in Germany changed rapidly. While restaurants, bars and cafeterias had to close, sales of non-perishable foods such as pasta and flour ...

Cooking Wine

The term "cooking wine" can either refer to regular wines used for cooking or to wines with higher salt levels or special preservatives that were added to achieve a more stable product once opened. (Wine Spectator, 2019) As alcohol can break down fats and make meat more tender, it is favorably used for stews or sauces that accompany meat dishes in restaurants. (Wine Spectator, 2019)

The market for cooking wine is growing globally. Sales for 2019 have been estimated at 320.5 million USD and forecast to increase to 427.2 million USD in 2027. 36 % of the sales were made with white wines alone. According to current data, 68.3 % of ...

Risotto alle pere e formaggio: 2nd International Office Cooking Event overlooking Lake Como
Chef Riccardo cooking live

Pear and cheese risotto was on the menu at the 2nd International Office online cooking event on February 06, 2021. International students and students from the Italian language course of the Language Center cooked this risotto, typical for Lombardy, ...

Survey on "Online Wine Tastings"
[Translate to English:] Bildquelle: Tina Kissinger

In cooperation with, Hochschule Geisenheim University is conducting an international survey on "Online Wine Tastings".

At present, online wine tastings are frequently debated in the wine industry but it is still too early to assess the potential of online tastings and make recommendations. Therefore, we hope that this survey will help to better understand the topic ...

Successful WOW In-Class & Online Seminar: Future Challenges in the Wine Industry

At the beginning of December, the WOW Project – a new cooperation between Hochschule Geisenheim University and the University of West Attica in Athens (UNIWA) focusing on "Future Challenges in Viticulture, Enology and Wine Industry" – was ...

Barbara Richter M.Sc. Receives OIV Research Scholarship
© Barbara Richter, M.Sc.

Hochschule Geisenheim University’s doctoral student receives financial support for her research on strategic cooperations in the wine sector.


Each year, the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OIV) awards research scholarships as part of their strategy plan to support priority programs. The OIV is an intergovernmental organization of scientific and technical nature with recognized ...

Wine in Virtual Reality – Simulating the Vacation Feeling
Source: Promotional video of Hochschule Geisenheim University

Geisenheim researchers are simulating wine tasting situations in virtual realities as part of the joint project WITALITY – Wine in Virtual Reality

When wine professionals taste wines under standardized conditions in a laboratory booth, they reach an objective conclusion. But would consumers always be of the same opinion? Or is it rather the situation in which the wine is consumed that mostly ...

Marion Waldeck Remains Chancellor at Hochschule Geisenheim University

The Head of Administration of the Rheingau-based higher education and research institution, who has held the office since 2015, received her new certificate of appointment on Wednesday January 13, 2021, from Ayse Asar, State Secretary in the Hessian Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and the Arts (HMWK). Marion Waldeck will hold the office for further six years.


In September 2020, the Academic Senate already approved the proposal put forward by the President of Hochschule Geisenheim University, Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz, to appoint the current Chancellor Marion Waldeck, MBA, for a second term of office. ...

Cooperation on Wine Tourism with Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
Source: Maria Vassiliadu (DGV, Thessaloniki)

On behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Prof. Dr. Gergely Szolnoki, Professor for Market Research at Hochschule Geisenheim University, advises the members of the German-Greek Assembly (DGV) as an external expert on wine tourism.


The DGV is chaired by the Parliamentary State Secretary Norbert Barthle, MP, and was founded ten years ago to promote economic relations between Germany and Greece. Together with the DGV, Szolnoki organized an official visit to Baden on October ...