
News Archive (dating back to 2013)

ZuGAbe Summer School „Cover Materials for Greenhouses“

Students and doctoral students of Hochschule Geisenheim University visit Greece

A one-week summer school (24th to 30th September 2018) on cover materials took place at the University of Thessaly (UTH) in Volos, Greece. Both universities are part of the ZuGAbe-cooperation.

The summer school was a big success with more than 40 ...

Presentation of young talents awards by “Bund deutscher Oenologen” (association of German enologists)

Excellent theses in enology, viticulture, international wine business and beverage technology win young talents award


by Klaus Herrmann

From November 4th to November 6th this years INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA HORTITECHNICA took place together with the 63. viticulture congress under the patronage of the international organization of vine and wine (OIV) at the “Messe” ...

Presentation of the Professor Müller-Thurgau Award 2018
photo: Winfried Schönbach, Hochschule Geisenheim

Federal minister of agriculture Julia Klöckner and Robert Lönarz acknowledge Dr. Franz Josef Jung and his nephew Ingmar Jung for their commitment to the „hip university“


The VEG-Geisenheim Alumni Association e.V. awards the Professor Müller-Thurgau award to those who have shown special commitment to nowadays Hochschule Geisenheim University. „For the first time in history the prize is awarded to a family“ said Julia ...

A popular platform for exchange and networking

Hochschule Geisenheim University‘s fair stand at this year’s INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA HORTITECHNICA attracts numerous visitors with "ask the expert sessions", information and famous Geisenheim coffee.

The wine of 2050 – what will it taste like? And what about the consequences of the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere on plants, soils, microorganisms and insects and thus on vines and horticultural cultures? These are the ...

The last grapes have been harvested
[Translate to English:] Die letzte Presse

A 5th semester enology project harvest marked the end of Fall 2018 at Hochschule Geisenheim University.

Hochschule Geisenheim University’s last grapes were harvested today in Kaub am Mittelrhein as part of the enology project, and the students were confronted with a special challenge: a manual harvest on minimal pruning! Grape harvest in 3D; the golden ...

Rheingau Volksbank honors students of viticulture from Hochschule Geisenheim University
Nora Brockmann and Christopher Weil, Andreas Zeiselmaier, Volksbank (l.), Prof. Dr. Hans Reiner Schultz (2.f.l) and Christian Aßmann, mayor of Geisenheim (r.).

Nora Brockmann and Christopher Weil each receive 750 euros for their excellent Bachelor theses.

On 31 October, Rheingau Volksbank awarded the Rheingau Volksbank prize to two graduates from Hochschule Geisenheim University for their excellent final theses. Due to outstanding performances, the jury chose two theses instead of one for 2017 and ...

Learning creates enjoyment: Answers for tomorrow’s world

The exhibition stand of Hochschule Geisenheim University – Stand 4B52 – at the INTERVITIS INTERFRUCTA HORTITECHNICA trade fair, invites visitors to stop and chat and get a glimpse of the future of viticulture and horticulture.


How will wine taste in the year 2050? What influence do rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have on our plants, soils, microorganisms and insects – and thus on vines and horticultural crops, too? And how can the anticipated extreme ...

Welcome event for first semester students 2018: Now you’re “Geisenheimers”

Representatives from Hochschule Geisenheim University, the university town and the region give a warm welcome to the new first semester students at the start of the winter semester 2018/19.

Lots of new faces, some looking rather nervous, to be seen in the university town of Geisenheim: On Monday October 15, 2018 around 360 new students gathered in the Rheingau atrium for Hochschule Geisenheim University’s official welcome event for the ...

Hochschule Geisenheim University awards DAAD-Prize 2018 to Qiuyue Cheng

Young Chinese woman receives the 1000 Euro award for good academic performance coupled with her social commitment in the university town of Geisenheim.

Hochschule Geisenheim University presented Qiuyue Cheng with the DAAD-Prize 2018 during the welcome event for first semester students held on Monday October 15, 2018. The prize of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is endowed with 1000 Euros ...

Teaching in the Digital Age - a Lecture on Blended Learning

Dr. med. Sebastian Kuhn gives insights into his inverted teaching.

Today's students grow up as "digital natives" with many technical innovations and digitized processes. However, the private use of these technologies does not necessarily mean that they are also used sensibly within the framework of studies. ...