Application Information for International Applicants

Application Information for International Applicants

All applicants who have acquired their university entrance qualification abroad and want to apply for a Bachelor's degree program at Hochschule Geisenheim University have to use the uni-assist procedure regardless of their nationality.

Please read the information "Applications for Bachelor's Degree Programs" and "General Information for Applying by Using Uni-Assist" carefully.

All applicants who have graduated abroad and want to apply for the Master's programs Landscape Architecture, Crop and Horticulture Science and Food Safety have to use the uni-assist procedure regardless of their nationality.

For all other Master's programs, Hochschule Geisenheim University cooperates with partner universities, which means that you have to send your application to the partner university or you can apply by using uni-assist. For more information, please go to the respective degree program on our website.

Please read the information "Applications for Master's Degree Programs" and"General Information for Applying by Using Uni-Assist" carefully.





Applications for Bachelor's Degree Programs


The application deadline for Bachelor's degree programs via the university application tool uni-assist is always on September 01. All Bachelor's degree programs start in the winter semester only.

In uni-assist, the application period for the upcoming winter semester usually starts in December of the previous year.

General Admission Requirements

It is possible to study at Hochschule Geisenheim University if you:


  1. have a university entrance qualification comparable to the German university entrance qualification (HZB), and
  2. can provide proof of the required language skills and
  3. can prove the required pre-study internship before the beginning of your studies.


University Entrance Qualification (HZB)

University Entrance Qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB)

International applicants are entitled to study in Germany if their foreign school leaving certificate or diploma is comparable to a university entrance qualification (HZB) acquired in Germany, such as the German Abitur. Applicants with certificates from some countries may also have to prove that they have passed the university entrance examination in their home country, or they have to present proof of successful periods of study.

The university application tool uni-assist evaluates your certificates and determines their equivalence to German standards. There are different types of university entrance qualifications (HZBs):

  • Direct HZB: If your HZB is equivalent to a German secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur), you have a direct entrance qualification and can start your studies right away after you have submitted the required documents (proof of language proficiency and pre-study internship).
  • Indirect HZB: If your HZB is not equivalent to the German secondary school leaving certificate, there are two options available:  
    • Either you attend a one-year preparatory course, called Studienkolleg (for our university, the Studienkolleg of TU Darmstadt is responsible; the courses are in German) and pass the final assessment test for university entrance qualification (Prüfung zur Feststellung der Hochschulreife, FSP).
    • Or, in addition to the school leaving certificate, you present proof of successful periods of study at a recognized university abroad. The required length of study periods may vary depending on your school leaving certificate. "Successful periods of study" means that you have completed and can prove the mandatory study achievements and examinations, as specified in the curriculum. The duration of study achievements (usually 1 or 2 years) depends on your school leaving certificate, which is evaluated by the German Conference of Ministers of Education. International students can check their school leaving certificate on the German website anabin, or in the DAAD Database, which is also provided in English.
  • General HZB: With a general HZB you can apply for any program.
  • Restricted HZB: With a restricted HZB, you are only entitled to apply for programs of a specific subject. The subject is determined by the program you have studied in your home country or in which you have taken exams. In Germany, the subjects are divided into humanities/linguistics (G, S), social and economic sciences (W), technical and natural sciences (T) and medical and biological sciences (M). If you have a restricted HZB for a G or S subject, for instance, you cannot start your studies right away at Geisenheim University.

Geisenheim offers Bachelor's degree programs in T subjects (technical and natural sciences) and M subjects (medical and biological sciences). In addition, the Bachelor's degree programs International Wine Business (German program), International Wine Business (English program) and Food Logistics and Management are also W subjects (social and economic sciences).

TIP: To find out in advance if you have a direct HZB, if you need to attend the Studienkolleg or if you need to study for a few more semesters in your home country, please check the following admission databases and search for our degree. We strongly recommend this step before applying!

DAAD Database

Previous Study Periods: Applicants who wish to apply for a more advanced semester due to previous study periods in their home country must apply for the 1st semester via uni-assist. After your enrollment, the Examination Committee of Hochschule Geisenheim University checks if your academic achievements will be recognized and if you will be admitted to a more advanced semester. 

Studienkolleg: Important Information

Application procedure for admission to the Studienkolleg
If you have an indirect HZB due to your certificates and diplomas (see section "University Entrance Qualification") and you can prove the required German language skills and the pre-study internship, you may apply for admission to the Studienkolleg. The Studienkolleg lasts two semesters and starts approximately one year (around June) before you begin your studies. As places are limited, an entrance examination must be taken.

Important notice: the mandatory pre-study internship must have been completed and reviewed by the persons in charge at Hochschule Geisenheim University before you start your courses at the Studienkolleg.

You apply for the the program you wish to study at the Studienkolleg by using uni-assist. Uni-assist evaulates your certificates and diplomas and checks if you are qualified for admission to the Studienkolleg.

To see which documents you have to submit to uni-assist, please go to Checklist Application Documents.

Application deadline
The application for admission must be submitted by mail to uni-assist in due form and time by April 30. All necessary documents must be enclosed.
Please note that uni-assist must have received the application by mail by April 30!

German language skills
For the required German language skills, please refer to the section "Language Requirements Studienkolleg" below.

Studienkolleg Darmstadt and further steps
Hochschule Geisenheim University is assigned to the Studienkolleg in Darmstadt. At the Studienkolleg Darmstadt, the focus course T (which gives you access to mathematical, scientific and technical degree programs) is offered full-time and is recognized for all Geisenheim degree programs.
If you meet all admission criteria for the Studienkolleg, Hochschule Geisenheim University will register you for the entrance examination at the Studienkolleg, and you will then receive an invitation. The entrance examination for admission to the focus course T consists of a language test and a math test. For a sample entrance exam, please go to

If you pass the entrance examination, Hochschule Geisenheim University will send you a conditional notice of admission to the degree program of your choice.
At the Studienkolleg Darmstadt you will attend the focus course T, which lasts two semesters.
After passing the final examination of the Studienkolleg, the so-called Feststellungsprüfung, you will be admitted directly to the 1st semester of the desired degree program at Hochschule Geisenheim University and you can start your studies right away.

Language Requirements for German-Language Degree Programs

Applicants with foreign certificates must prove that their language skills are sufficient for studying at Hochschule Geisenheim University.


At the time of application:
With your application you must present proof of your German language skills that correspond to level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The following German certificates are recognized:

  • Goethe Certificate B2
  • DSH-1 certificate
  • TestDaF 3
  • telc B2
  • ÖSD B2

In addition, the following proof is generally accepted, which corresponds to the language level B2:

  •     A completed vocational training (also school-based) in Germany.

One year after enrollment:
If you are admitted to Hochschule Geisenheim University, you have two semesters to reach level C1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. You must provide proof of one of the following language examinations:

  •    Goethe-Zertifikat C2
  •    Certificate of the German Language Test for University Admission of Foreign Study Applicants (DSH). Proof of the overall result DSH-2 is required!
  •    the German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs - 2nd level
  •    telc Deutsch C 1 Hochschule (at least grade 2 or better)
  •    TestDaF (at least level 4 in all examination parts)
  •    Internal German exam C1 of the Geisenheim University, which only entitles you to study at Hochschule Geisenheim University
Language Requirements for the English-Language Degree Program International Wine Business

With your application via uni-assist, you must present proof of your English language skills, which correspond to at least level B2 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), by submitting one of the following certificates:

  •     TOEFL (min. 80 points, internet test)
  •     IELTS (min. 5.5)
  •     Cambridge First Certificate - FCE - (min. grade B)

German language skills are not required, but strongly recommended!

The following applicants do not need a language certificate:

  • Applicants from countries where English is the first official language and who have certificates from schools where English is the official language of instruction
  • Applicants who have completed an English degree program.
  • Applicants who have studied and graduated from an English-language secondary school with at least five years of study.


Language Requirements Studienkolleg

With your application to the Studienkolleg, you must provide proof of the following German language skills, which correspond to level B1:

  •  Goethe-Zertifikat B1 or
  •  a certificate of completion of level B1 from a recognized language institute

Please note: German language skills must also be proven for the English-language program International Wine Business when applying to the Studienkolleg via uni-assist!


Pre-Internship Requirements

In addition to the university entrance qualification and language proficiency, applicants must prove that they have completed a pre-study internship when applying for most of the Bachelor's degree program. Applicants must present an official certificate, which either proves that they have completed the required amount of weeks of the internship, or that they will have completed the internship by the time the study program starts.

The duration of the pre-study internship depends on the respective requirements of the degree program. Please inform yourself on the website of the desired study program whether and for which duration a pre-study internship is required:


Landscape Architecture

Beverage Technology

Viticulture and Oenology

International Wine Business (German program)

International Wine Business

Food Safety

Food Chain Management

Please note: You are responsible for organizing your pre-study internship! The internship is not part of your studies! Please make sure that you start your pre-study internship in time and that the contents and duration of your pre-study internship meet the requirements of the respective study program. To make sure that your internship meets all necessary requirements, we recommend to get in touch with the internship coordinator of the desired degree program.

In some cases, periods of internships or professional activities can also be credited as part of the pre-study internship if they are closely linked to the content of the degree program. On the homepage of your degree program, you will find the contact details of the internship coordinator who will be happy to assist with any questions regarding your internship. The internship coordinator will also help you find out if your professional experience will be recognized. 

Proof of the required pre-study internship must be submitted by the time of enrollment at the latest. For the application via uni-assist, a preliminary, official certificate from your internship company stating that you are currently completing the pre-study internship is sufficient.

If the internship was completed abroad, a German or English translation of the internship certificate must be submitted together with the application (the document must be translated by a sworn translator - see checklist below).

If the internal reviewers decide that the pre-study internship does not meet the requirements, you cannot enroll even if your application via uni-assist was successful!

Special Information for Applicants from China, Vietnam and India

Applicants from China,Vietnam and India have to submit their documents to the Academic Evaluation Service (Akademische Prüfstelle, APS). The APS is a joint institution of the German Embassy and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It exists in China, Vietnam and India. The APS checks the authenticity of educational biographies and the corresponding Educational certificates, and issues certificates if the result is positive. For these countries, the APS certificate is a requirement for applying to a German university.


In order for your application to be complete, you are required to present the original APS certificate.

For further information, please go to

Please note that these requirements also apply for prospective students who are already in Germany!


For further information, please go to


Students who have successfully completed an APS review process as of April 24th , 2023 will be provided a digital certificate or attestation only.

For further information, please go to


Checklist: Application Documents for Bachelor's Degree Programs

Important notice: We recommend not to send any original documents to uni-assist as they will not be returned. You will have to present your original documents when enrolling at our university. 

Required documents:

  • Certified copies* of the foreign certificates:
    - School leaving certificate with overview of grades
    - Proof of study achievements with overview of subjects and grades (if available)
    - Proof of university entrance examination in the home country (if available)
  • Certified copy* of the official German or English translation of the foreign school leaving certificate. We only accept certified translations by a sworn translator. If the original document is in English, you do not have to provide a translation.
  • Certified copy* of the certificate proving your pre-study internship.
  • If the internship was completed abroad, you have to submit a German translation of your internship certificate. If the original document is in English, you do not have to provide a translation!
  • For the German-language degree programs, you have to present proof of German language examinations. For the English-language degree program "International Wine Business", you have to present certified copies* of your English language certificates.
  • If applicable, certificates of previous study periods at German universities and, if applicable, confirmation of ex-matriculation
  • Copy of your passport
  • Curriculum vitae

*Important Information on certified copies/translations:

Foreign certificates must be submitted as officially certified copies.

In general, certified copies are only accepted if they have been issued by one of the following bodies:

  • Diplomatic representations of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad.
  • Authorities and notaries authorized to issue official certifications in the respective foreign country
  • Schools or universities that have issued the original certificate
  • German notaries and courts
  • Official authorities: Federal authorities, state authorities, local authorities, official churches

Translators may only certify their own translations but no copies of original documents.

Certificates must always be issued in the original language of the country of origin and must be attached with an English or German translation.

  • Documents from Germany and abroad may only be translated by a certified translator.

For more information, please visit:


Applications for Master's Degree Programs

Master's Programs at Hochschule Geisenheim University - General Information

Applicants who have obtained an initial professional degree (e.g. Bachelor, Diploma) abroad may apply for a Master's program in Germany if their foreign degree is equivalent to a German degree and if (in case of German-language Master's programs) sufficient German language skills can be proven.

For the master's programs in Landschaftsarchitektur (Landscape Architecture), Spezielle Pflanzen- und Gartenbauwissenschaften (Crop and Horticulture Science) , and Lebensmittelsicherheit (Food Safety), you should always apply to Geisenheim University by using uni-assist, regardless of your nationality.

Please note:
Even if your application via uni-assist was successful, we will first carry out an internal review to see if your Bachelor's degree meet the requirements of our Master's program. If your degree does not meet our requirements, you will not be able to enroll despite a successful application via uni-assist!

For all other Master's programs, Hochschule Geisenheim University cooperates with partner universities, which means that you have to send your applications to the partner universities directly or you can apply by using uni-assist. For more information, please go to the respective study program on our website.


For the following two Master's programs, the application deadline via uni-assist is always on September 01 for a winter semester and on March 01 for a summer semester.

Landschaftsarchitektur (Landscape Architecture)and Spezielle Pflanzen- und Gartenbauwissenschaften(Crop and Horticulture Science).

For the Master's program Lebensmittelsicherheit (Food Safety), the application deadline via uni-assist is always on August 01 for a winter semester and on February 15 for a summer semester.





Language Requirements

Applicants who have obtained a foreign degree and whose native language is not German must prove that they have sufficient German language skills for a predominantly German-language Master's program in Germany. When you submit your application, you must enclose proof of German language skills that correspond to level C1 of the European Framework of Reference for Languages. The following German certificates are recognized:

  • Goethe certificate C2
  • Certificate of the German Language Examination for University Admission of Foreign Study Applicants (DSH). Proof of the overall result DSH-2 is required!
  • the German Language Diploma of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs - 2nd level
  • telc German C 1 University
  • TestDaF (at least level 4 in all examination partsAustrian Language Diploma C2 (ÖSD C2)
Special Admission Requirements for the Master's Program Landscape Architecture

In addition to the general and formal admission requirements, further subject-specific admission requirements must be met for the Master's degree program in Landscape Architecture. Hochschule Geisenheim University reviews these subject-specific admission requirements after the formal evaluation of your certificates by uni-assist.

As it is a consecutive study program, a Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture or in one of the other specialized areas is a prerequisite. In addition, you might be required to submit additional documents (such as letter of motivation, letter of recommendation, etc.).

For a detailed overview of all additional admission requirements, please refer to the website of the Master's program Landscape Architecture.

Special Admission Requirements for the Master's Program Crop and Horticulture Science

In addition to the general and formal admission requirements, further subject-specific admission requirements must be met for the Master's degree program in Horticulture. Hochschule Geisenheim University reviews these subject-specific admission requirements after the formal evaluation of your certificates by uni-assist.

As it is a consecutive study program, a Bachelor's degree in Crop and Horticulture Science is a prerequisite. In addition, you might be required to submit additional documents (such as letter of motivation, letter of recommendation, etc.).

For a detailed overview of all additional admission requirements, please refer to the website of the Master's program Crop and Horticulture Science.

Special Admission Requirements for the Master's Program Food Safety

In addition to the general and formal admission requirements, further subject-specific admission requirements must be met for the Master's degree program in Food Safety. Hochschule Geisenheim University reviews these subject-specific admission requirements after the formal evaluation of your certificates by uni-assist.

As it is a consecutive study program, a Bachelor's degree in Food Safety is a prerequisite. In addition, you might be required to submit additional documents (such as letter of motivation, letter of recommendation, etc.).

For a detailed overview of all additional admission requirements, please refer to the website of the Master's program Food Safety.

Special Information for Applicants from China, Vietnam and India

Applicants from China,Vietnam and India have to submit their documents to the Academic Evaluation Service (Akademische Prüfstelle, APS). The APS is a joint institution of the German Embassy and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It exists in China, Vietnam and India. The APS checks the authenticity of educational biographies and the corresponding Educational certificates, and issues certificates if the result is positive. For these countries, the APS certificate is a requirement for applying to a German university.


In order for your application to be complete, you are required to present the original APS certificate.

For further information, please go to

Please note that these requirements also apply for prospective students who are already in Germany!


For further information, please go to


Students who have successfully completed an APS review process as of April 24th , 2023 will be provided a digital certificate or attestation only.

For further information, please go to

Checklist: Application Documents for Master's Programs

Application checklist:

Please apply online via uni-assist ( and also send the following documents by mail to uni-assist.

Important notice: We recommend not to send any original documents to uni-assist as they will not be returned. You will have to present your original documents when enrolling at our university. 

Required documents:

  • Certified copies* of the foreign certificates
    - Secondary school leaving certificate with overview of subjects and grades
    - Certificate of graduation (e.g. Bachelor's degree or diploma) with overview of subjects and grades
  • Certified copy* of the official German or English translation of the foreign certificate / diploma. We only accept certified translations by a sworn translator. If the original document is in English, you do not have to provide a translation.
  • M. Sc. Landscape Architecture: see website of the study program
  • M. Sc.Crop and Horticulture Science: see website of the study program
  • M. Sc. Food Safety: see website of the study program
  • Certified copy* of the certificate proving your German language examinations.
  • Certificates proving additional professional qualifications (see additional information for the respective Master's programs)
  • If applicable, certificates of previous periods of study at German universities
  • Copy of your passport
  • Curriculum vitae


*Important Information on certified copies/translations:

Foreign certificates must be submitted as officially certified copies.
In general, we only accept certified copies that have been issued by one of the following bodies:

  • Diplomatic representations of the Federal Republic of Germany abroad.
  • Authorities and notaries authorized to issue official certifications in the respective foreign country
  • Schools or universities that have issued the original certificate
  • German notaries and courts
  • Official authorities: Federal authorities, state authorities, local authorities, official churches

Certificates issued by translators cannot be accepted as a matter of principle.

Certificates must always be issued in the original language of the country of origin and must be attached with an English or German translation

  • Documents from Germany and abroad may only be translated by a certified translator.

For more information, please visit:


General Information for Applying by Using Uni-Assist

Online Application

In order to apply for the respective degree program at Hochschule Geisenheim University, you must first create an account at my uni-assist.

Please read the FAQs of uni-assist in advance as they provide various options to find the right degree program.

For example, you may enter the name of the program in the search bar, or select Geisenheim University in the section "Hochschule" ("University"). Make sure that you have selected the correct semester in the section "Semester". Bachelor's degree programs are listed for winter semesters only.

Once you have selected the desired degree program, click on the button "proceed to checkout", and uni-assist will inform you about the next steps, such as payment.

Please note that the application process is not completed yet. Some documents have to be sent by mail to the postal address of uni-assist:

uni-assist e.V.
Geneststraße 5
10829 Berlin

Please go to the checklist for application documents for Bachelor's or Master's programs to find out which documents have to be submitted and in which form.

Uni-assist will contact you and ask to submit required certificates if documents are missing or insufficient. Please note, however, that this requires a certain amount of time in advance. Therefore, we strongly recommend to apply as early as possible.

Important notice: Please make sure to include your e-mail address so that uni-assist can contact you quickly and reliably in case of any open questions.


The fee for the expert evaluation carried out by uni-assist amounts to 75.00 euros for the first application, according to the decision of the general meeting of uni-assist.

For each additional application (also to other universities) the fee amounts to 30.00 euros. Your application to uni-assist will only be processed after the fee has been paid.

Please read the information on the payment of fees by uni-assist carefully.

Do you have further questions?
If you have any questions regarding the online application process, the receipt of fees or the status of your application, please contact uni-assist directly.

For all questions regarding application and admission requirements, please contact Hochschule Geisenheim University by sending an e-mail to applicants(at)

Important notice: With the confirmation from uni-assist that your application has been received and paid, you can already apply for a visa as an applicant for a university place at the embassy. Thus, you do not have to wait for a final response from uni-assist to start your visa process.

Information on the retention periods of the application documents
We would like to inform you that, unless you enroll at our university, uni-assist will only save your documents for one year. Your data will be stored in the computer for four years. During this period, the data is only available to uni-assist and our university. If you apply directly to Hochschule Geisenheim University, your documents will be destroyed 6 months after the end of the application procedure.

Information on the storage of personal data
Due to § 18 para. 1 of the Hessian Data Protection Act of January 7, 1999 (GVBl I. p. 98), Geisenheim University is obliged to inform applicants about the storage of personal data in an automated file.

Within the framework of the automated admission procedure, personal data of applicants are processed and stored.

It is not possible to process your application without your consent to this data processing and storage.

The following data will be stored (§ 4 of the Hesse Public Procurement Ordinance of 03.07.2008 (GVBl II 70-253, p. 772, dated 14.07.2008):

Surname and first name(s), date and place of birth


address, nationality

characteristics controlling the procedure

Pursuant to Section 4 (2) of the Hessen Regulations on the Allocation of Study Places, the data is deleted by September 30 at the latest for a summer semester and by March 31 of the following year for a winter semester.

The purpose of the data processing is the allocation of study places and the preparation of admission and rejection notices within the framework of the respective procedure (§ 11 Hessian Data Protection Act).

Exceptions for Applying via Uni-Assist

You do not have to apply via uni-assist if you meet one of the following criteria:

  • you have successfully passed the assessment test (Feststellungsprüfung) at a public Hessian Studienkolleg (preparatory college)
  • you can present an assessment certificate issued by a certificate recognition body (e.g. Central Office for Foreign Education (ZAB), etc.) that is valid throughout Germany

In these cases, please apply directly to Hochschule Geisenheim University.

Time of Application
Please read the graphic carefully.

For Bachelor's programs, the official deadline for applying via uni-assist is on September 01.

TIP: We strongly recommend applicants from non-EU countries to apply earlier in order to organize your visa and, if necessary, a pre-study internship and accommodation in time!

Please note that uni-assist must have received your application by mail before the deadline passes.

Applications received by e-mail or fax cannot be accepted!

The 5 most common mistakes when applying via uni-assist

1. You do not submit certified copies of your certificates.

Please make sure to always submit certified copies of your certificates to uni-assist in paper form. Uni-assist thus verifies your diplomas (high school diploma, university degree, ...). A simple copy or scan alone is not sufficient and will lead to a rejection of your application.

For more information, please refer to the sections Checklist: Application Documents for Bachelor's Programs or Checklist: Application Documents for Master's Programs.


2. You do not submit a certified translation.

If your original certificates or internship certificates are not written in German or English, you must have a certified translation made into German or English and submit it in paper form.

Please refer to the sections Checklist: Application Documents for Bachelor's Degree Programs or Checklist: Application Documents for Master's Degree Programs for more information.



3. Your language certificate is not sufficient.

Make sure to submit a language certificate that is accepted and valid by us.

Please refer to the section Language Requirements German-Language Degree Programs or Language Requirements for the English-Language Bachelor Degree Program International Wine Business for more information.


4. You do not submit evidence of the required pre-study internship.

Be sure to submit evidence of the required pre-study internship. Please note that there are different requirements for each degree program.


5. You do not check in advance whether you have a university entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung, HZB).

You have the possibility to check in advance if you have an HZB with your degrees. You can use the following databases for this purpose: (German only)


Please also refer to the section University Entrance Qualification (HZB).

After Applying via Uni-Assist


Provided that uni-assist's review of your school leaving certificates is positive and Geisenheim University has reviewed and recognized your pre-study internship in a further step, you will receive a letter of admission from our Admissions Office. In this letter you will find a date for your enrollment as well as a list of required documents that you will have to present upon enrollment.



Health Insurance

General information on health insurance

All students enrolled at a German university are required to provide proof of suitable health insurance coverage for the entire duration of their studies, i.e. without proof of health insurance you cannot get enrolled.

Travel health insurance is not sufficient for studying in Germany!


International applicants or exchange students from EU/EEA countries

The European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) basically offers international applicants or exchange students from EU countries, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland (EEA) the same insurance coverage as a statutory health insurance in Germany.

Please contact your health insurance company in your home country in advance to check if your insurance provides sufficient coverage for studying in Germany.

Please note:
As soon as students from EU and EEA countries take up a job in Germany alongside their studies, even for wages as little as 1 euro, they are required to sign up for German statutory health insurance.

Information about the M10 with an EU health insurance (with valid EHIC)

International applicants or exchange students from EU/EEA countries who are members of an EU health insurance company and have an EHIC must register with any German statutory health insurance fund, quoting Geisenheim University's sender number H0000137. The health insurance company will then send a digital insurance notification to the university reporting that you are not subject to compulsory insurance. Proof in paper or card form will not be accepted!


International applicants or exchange students from non-EU countries

Please contact your health insurance company in your home country in advance to check if your insurance provides sufficient coverage for studying in Germany. Also find out whether there is a social security agreement between your home country and Germany.

In that case, you have to present a so-called letter of exemption upon enrollment, which states that you are exempted from statutory health insurance in Germany. This exemption can be obtained from any German statutory health insurance fund.

If the healthcare plan of your home country is not sufficient, you must sign up for student health insurance in Germany. You may choose between statutory or private healthcare.

A statutory health insurance usually covers most costs that may arise when you see a doctor, have to go to the hospital and in emergencies. Statutory health insurances may differ in their benefits. You can sign up with any statutory health insurance fund in Germany.

TIP: Statutory health insurance is strongly recommended for sufficient insurance coverage during your studies.

Information on the M10 when taking out a statutory health insurance policy

International applicants or exchange students who take out insurance with a German statutory health insurance company, please contact your health insurance company and request the digital insurance certificate M10 for enrollment at Hochschule Geisenheim University. Please give the health insurance company the university’s sender number:  H0000137. The health insurance company will electronically transmit your insurance status to Hochschule Geisenheim University. Proof in paper or card form will not be accepted!

If you choose a private health insurance company, please note that in case of illness you often have to pay medical bills out of your own pocket in advance and you will be reimbursed by the healthcare provider later. In addition, private health insurance companies sometimes do not cover the costs of all health-related problems. You must be aware that in certain cases a private healthcare provider may not cover the costs and you will have to pay the medical bills yourself. Therefore, Hochschule Geisenheim University strongly recommends signing up for statutory health insurance in Germany.

Information on the M10 when taking out a private health insurance policy

International applicants or exchange students who take out insurance with a private health insurance company must present proof that they are exempted from the statutory health insurance obligation. To do so, please contact the statutory health insurance company of your choice and ask for a proof of exemption. Please make sure to quote the sender number of Hochschule Geisenheim University: H0000137. The statutory health insurance company will then issue an exemption after verification and will also forward a digital insurance notification to the university. Proof in paper or card form will not be accepted!

Please note:
No travel insurance will be accepted for enrollment and your studies!


General information on the student health insurance reporting procedure (M10)

No enrollment without digital insurance notification!

All applicants, including international applicants and exchange students, must contact a German statutory health insurance fund before enrolling in order to request a digital insurance notification, the so-called M10. The health insurance company then digitally reports the insurance status to Hochschule Geisenheim University.

In addition to the digital notification of your insurance status (M10), all international applicants and exchange students must nevertheless provide proof of health insurance coverage recognized by us for the entire duration of your studies. General information on health insurance can be found below.

To issue an M10, the health insurance providers always need the sender number of Hochschule Geisenheim University:


You can obtain further information from any German statutory health insurance fund or substitute health insurance fund.

Here you can find a selection of German statutory health insurance companies.


If you need a visa to enter Germany, please remember to apply for it as early as possible.

Please note that a tourist visa cannot be turned into a residence permit and you will have to re-enter your home country in order to apply for a student visa!

Please read the information on visa regulations and residence permits in our International Student Guide carefully.


After you have received your letter of admission from Hochschule Geisenheim University, you can get enrolled. Please note that you can only enroll on the date stated in the letter of admission! The staff from our Admissions Office will give you all the details and tell you the date of your enrollment.


Semester fee

Upon enrollment, you will receive a bank transfer slip for paying the semester fee. The amount is to be transferred within 10 days. For the exact amount as well as further information, please go to the website of the Admissions Office. Besides the semester fee, there are no tuition fees at Hochschule Geisenheim University.

On the website of the Admissions Office you will also find all information on your enrollment certificate (Immatrikulationsbescheinigung).

Student Card and Semester Ticket

After your enrollment, our Admissions Office will send you a registration form for your Student Card. Please fill out the form and submit the original document to the Admissions Office. The team will tell you when you can pick up your Student Card. Please note that it might take up to 14 days.

For more information about your Student Card and how to validate it, please click here.

Study opportunities for Ukrainian refugees at Geisenheim University

Пропозиції для вимушених мігрантів (біженців) з України щодо навчання в Університеті Гайзенхайма

Мовні курси:
Ми пропонуємо безкоштовні курси німецької мови різних рівнів протягом лекційного періоду: з середини жовтня до середини лютого та з початку квітня до середини липня. Для відвідування курсів необхідним є знання латинського алфавіту. Надсилати запити можна на електронну пошту


Навчання в Університеті Гейзенхайма (Hochschule Geisenheim University):
Університет Гайзенхайма міжнародно відомий в галузі виноградарства та виноробства (енології), винного бізнесу, технології напоїв, харчової безпеки та логістики, а також у сферах садівництва та ландшафтної архітектури. Англомовний ступінь бакалавра «Міжнародний винний бізнес» в Університеті Гейзенхайма особливо цікавий для іноземних студентів. Студенти-біженці, які зацікавлені в конкретних курсах в Університеті, можуть скористатися наступними пропозиціями:

В якості гостя-слухача, Ви можете відвідувати лекції та познайомитись з предметом та повсякденним життям в німецькому університеті. Участь в іспитах не передбачається. Міжнародний офіс надасть допомогу у виборі курсу та подачі заявки.

Гостьове навчання (відповідає програмі обміну на семестр):
Якщо Ви вже почали навчання в Україні, бажано за напрямком навчання, пов’язаним з курсами Університету Гайзенхайма, Ви можете пройти гостьове навчання з нами (подібно до програми обміну на семестр, наприклад, ERASMUS). Як гостьовий студент, Ви можете брати участь в іспитах і отримати кредитні бали. Щодо мовних вимог, необхідним є рівень B1 для курсів німецькою мовою, та рівень B2 для курсів англійською мовою.

Повне навчання в Університеті Гайзенхайма:
Якщо Ви бажаєте розпочати повне навчання та отримати ступінь в Університеті Гайзенхайма, Ви повинні відповідати необхідним вимогам щодо вступу. Для цього потрібно надати підтвердження так званої вступної кваліфікації до Університету. Інформацію щодо вимог до вступу можна знайти тут. Необхідні вимоги стосуються зокрема володіння мовою навчання (англійською або німецькою) та стажування перед навчанням. Якщо ви не можете надати необхідні документи для зазначених двох вступних вимог через війну в Україні, будь ласка, повідомте нас.

Міжнародний офіс Hochschule Geisenheim University буде радий проконсультувати вас щодо пропозицій та процедури подачі заяв:

Фінансування перебування в Німеччині:
Біженці з України отримують у Німеччині соціальні виплати, які покривають витрати згідно з законодавством.


Study opportunities for Ukrainian refugees at Geisenheim University

Language courses:
During the semester break we are offering free German language courses (various levels) for refugees. The courses are scheduled from mid-October to mid-February and from April to mid-July. Please note that you have to be familiar with the Latin alphabet to take part in the courses. If you are interested, please send an email to

Studying at Hochschule Geisenheim University:
The university has an excellent international reputation for its programs in viticulture, wine business and enology, beverage technology, food safety and logistics as well as horticulture and landscape architecture. For international students, our English Bachelor’s program “International Wine Business” is particularly interesting. Refugee students who wish to study at Hochschule Geisenheim University, have the following options:

Attending classes as visiting students (non-degree seeking):
As a visiting student you may attend classes and get an impression of the program and what it is like to study in Germany but you are not entitled to take exams.
The International Office is happy to help you find the right course and submit the required applications.

Registering as guest students (similar to exchange students):
If you are already enrolled at a Ukrainian university, preferably in a program that is related to the subjects offered at HGU, you may register as a guest student to continue your studies with us (similar to an exchange semester, e.g. ERASMUS). As a guest student, you may take exams and gain credits. Please note that good knowledge of the German language (level B1) is a prerequisite for degree programs taught in German. For English-language programs, you need proficient English skills at B2 level.  

Regular studies at Hochschule Geisenheim University:
If you wish to enroll as a regular student to obtain a degree from Hochschule Geisenheim University, you have to meet our admission requirements, i.e. you have to hold a university entrance qualification. For more information, please click here. As part of our admission requirements, you also need to submit proof of sufficient language skills and a completed pre-study internship. If you are unable to provide the relevant certificates because of the war in Ukraine, please contact us.

The International Office of Hochschule Geisenheim University is happy to advise you on the various study options and application procedures:

Financing your stay in Germany:
Refugees from Ukraine receive social benefits in Germany that cover the cost of living (flat rates set by the legislator).



Any questions about the application process? We are happy to answer your inquiries: applicants(at)



Rita Broschek
Dipl.-Kauffrau Rita Broschek, M.Sc.
Building 5905
Room 02.04
Phone +49 6722 502 786
Rita.Broschek(at) Details

You can reach Ms. Broschek at +49 170 9902851