
Inaugural Lectures

Eine Person läuft über eine Wiese mit hohem Gras. © Hochschule Geisenheim

Fascinating insights into the previous and future research and teaching focal points of three new professors

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Professor Jürgen Wendland Appointed OIV Expert

The Professor of Microbiology and Biochemistry at Hochschule Geisenheim University was appointed as an expert for the Federal Republic of Germany in the MICRO - Microbiology - Group of the OIV, the International Organization of Vine and Wine, in December 2019. In this capacity, he is responsible for...

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GoodBerry Partners at ISFC in January 2020

As part of the GoodBerry consortium, Dr. Erika Krüger-Steden (Hochschule Geisenheim University), Peter Melis (Proefcentrum Hoogstraten) and Arne Stensvand (Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research) attended the International Soft Fruit Conference 2020 in 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands.

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Jennifer Badura Wins Poster Prize

Geisenheim doctoral student Jennifer Badura attended the Dechema Young Scientists Food Biotechnology Conference in Hohenheim in September 2019, where she won the Poster Award for her poster on "Transcriptional regulation of the synthesis of aroma compounds in non-conventional wine yeasts".

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Fourth Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference Focuses on Current Research

An international audience of scientists and industry professionals will gather at Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany from March 9 to 12, 2020. Speakers from 15 nations will be giving presentations on the various aspects of connecting tourist activities with culinary events.

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Gray Gravel Gives Way to Vineyard Flora: Winner of Student Competition to Redesign the Monrepos Roundabout Selected

As part of the "Green Geisenheim" project, the University and University Town of Geisenheim sought ideas to redesign the Rüdesheimer Strasse roundabout. The public had the opportunity to vote for their favorite bid in December. The winning design, which has now been publicly announced, will be put...

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Following Successful Participation in HRK "Internationlization of Universities" Audit, Hochschule Geisenheim University sets Course for the Future

As part of the audit, a project group led by University President Professor Hans Reiner Schultz developed goals and measures for the continued internationalization of teaching, research and administration. For instance, the University intends to increase the number of students with experience...

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International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES) Launches its Second Open Access Online Journal for Professionals in the Fields of Viticulture and Enology

The official ceremony will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 6 p.m. at Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin of Bordeaux University (Villenave d’Ornon, France), and will be attended by representatives of IVES' institutional members.

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Award won by Dr. Silvia Ruocca

Eine Hand in Gummihandschuhen legt eine einzelne Weinbeere in ein abschließbares Gefäß. © Hochschschule Geisenheim

Dr. Silvia Ruocco, a former doctoral student of Hochschule Geisenheim University, recently received an award for her presentation at Enoforum 2019 as part of a research cooperation with the Università di Udine and the Edmund Mach Foundation.

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APPLY NOW! International Award Ceremony 2020

Rudolf Hermanns Stiftung awards prizes of up to 10,000 euros for outstanding achievements in all areas of viticulture and horticulture.

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