
Christmas Spirit in the Summer?


Sure! From a scientif point of view, summer is an important time for the research project "HessenStern" because the team can finally collect and evaluate the results of the study. As part of the project, a sustainable poinsettia with a long lifespan called "Frieda Freude" has been produced in...

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Organizing Help for Flood Vicitims

Hochschule Geisenheim University is coordinating professional support for the "green sector" in cooperation with partners and sponsors and the Geisenheim Alumni Association (VEG)

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Welcome Prof. Dr.-Ing. Damian Bargiel

Damian Bargiel graduated in Landscape and Open Space Planning at Leibniz University Hannover in 2007. In his studies, he focused on the use of geoinformation systems (GIS) for landscape planning and nature conservation. After his graduation, he completed a doctorate on the subject of “Classification...

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2021 OIV Research Grants to Support Priority Programs

Within the framework of developing its Strategic Plan, the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) grants research scholarships on a yearly basis to support priority programs. The scholarships are granted for a short period (six months to fifteen months maximum) and provided for specific...

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Geisenheim Professor Appointed OIV Honorary President

Prof. Dr. Monika Christmann, Head of the Department of Enology at Hochschule Geisenheim University, chaired the 19th OIV General Assembly (International Organization of Vine and Wine) in Paris on July 12, 2021, standing in for the outgoing President and new Vice President, Regina Vanderlinde, who...

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New Professor at the Department of Grapevine Breeding

The Department of Grapevine Breeding is pleased to welcome Prof. Dr. Kai Voss-Fels who has recently joined the faculty to drive research in grapevine breeding and genetic resources. Prior to his appointment at HGU, he spent four year working at the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia –...

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