Professorship for Plant Nutrition & Soil Science

Professorship for Plant Nutrition & Soil Science

The professorship is concerned with the development of strategies to supply crops with fewer production factors such as nutrients and water. Maintaining agricultural land as a high performance production site is also a priority. In order to achieve these goals of an environmentally friendly intensification of crop production, we work with different crops (grapevine, legumes, cereals, lettuce). In addition to field sites, we also use controlled environments such as greenhouses, wirehouses, or climate chambers for vessel testing (from 240-liter vessels to small vessels).

The professorship has an outstanding team of researchers and professionals working in well-equipped laboratories with state-of-the-art analytical equipment.


Christoph-Martin Geilfus
Prof. Dr. habil. Christoph-Martin Geilfus
Building 6120
Room 01.48
Phone über +49 6722 502 432
ChristophMartin.Geilfus(at) Details
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[Translate to English:] Bodenkunde
[Translate to English:] Bodenkunde