Institut für Wein- und Getränkewirtschaft


Hochschule Geisenheim University to Present a Wide Range of Topics from Research and Practice at ProWein 2020

As well as the student advisory service at Hochschule Geisenheim University's stand C71 in Hall 14, experts will be on hand to provide information in a range of formats on such topics as start-ups, climate change and how transport can affect wine.

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Hochschule Geisenheim University Students Develop Recommendations to "Rejuvenate the Image of Bordeaux"

As part of a marketing project in the International Wine Business (B.Sc.) degree program, the students interviewed consumers, retailers and restaurant owners and applied the results to derive recommendations for target group-specific communication, which they subsequently presented to...

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Inaugural Lectures

Eine Person läuft über eine Wiese mit hohem Gras. © Hochschule Geisenheim

Fascinating insights into the previous and future research and teaching focal points of three new professors

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Professor Jürgen Wendland Appointed OIV Expert

The Professor of Microbiology and Biochemistry at Hochschule Geisenheim University was appointed as an expert for the Federal Republic of Germany in the MICRO - Microbiology - Group of the OIV, the International Organization of Vine and Wine, in December 2019. In this capacity, he is responsible for...

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Fourth Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference Focuses on Current Research

An international audience of scientists and industry professionals will gather at Hochschule Geisenheim University, Germany from March 9 to 12, 2020. Speakers from 15 nations will be giving presentations on the various aspects of connecting tourist activities with culinary events.

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International Viticulture and Enology Society (IVES) Launches its Second Open Access Online Journal for Professionals in the Fields of Viticulture and Enology

The official ceremony will take place on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 at 6 p.m. at Institut des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin of Bordeaux University (Villenave d’Ornon, France), and will be attended by representatives of IVES' institutional members.

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APPLY NOW! International Award Ceremony 2020

Rudolf Hermanns Stiftung awards prizes of up to 10,000 euros for outstanding achievements in all areas of viticulture and horticulture.

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ProWein Media Summit on Climate Change in Geisenheim

Over 30 international journalists from 20 countries attended the Geisenheim Conference on Climate Change

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Pact with the Middle Kingdom

[Translate to English:]

A delegation from Hochschule Geisenheim University recently visited China.

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